Lorayne Excell
Dixon, K., Excell, L. & Linington, V. 2014 “We are workshopped”: Problematising foundation phase teachers’ identity constructions. South African Journal of Childhood education. 4(1), (in print)
Excell, L., Dixon, K. Mathews, C. & Linington, V. 2016. A path unenvisaged to a destination unintended: a collaborative autoethnographic account of becoming a Community of Practice in an HEI. South African Journal of Higher Education.
Excell, L. 2016. Interrogating Quality in early childhood education. working towards a South African perspective. The South African Journal of Childhood Education, (Online) 2223-7682, (Print) 2223-7674.
Dixon, K., Excell, L., Linington, V., Mathews, C., Mduli, M., Motilal, G., 2012. Strengthening Foundation Phase teacher education through mentoring The South African Journal of Childhood Education, Vol 2(1): 32-48 (equal contribution).
Excell, L.A. & Linington, V. 2011. Move to Literacy: Fanning emergent literacy in Early Childhood Education in a pedagogy of play. South African Journal of Childhood Education. Vol (1).
Excell, L. & Linington, V. 2011. Taking the debate into action: does the current Grade R practice in South Africa meet quality requirements? SA-eDUC JOURNAL Volume 8, Number 2, November.