International perspectives on research in ece (20 April 2017)
UNISA and the Northern Region of SARAECE held a symposium on the 20 April 2017 at the Kgorong Function Hall at the UNISA Main Campus. The theme of the symposium was INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON RESEARCH IN EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND EDUCATION. Speakers hailed from Finland, Australia and South Africa. Prof VI McKay, the Executive Dean of the College of Education, opened the conference with a call for research to better inform the quality agenda in early childhood care and education. The Finnish Ambassador Mr K Alanko spoke about the importance of the formative years and the development of mutually beneficial partnerships for the early years.
The Finnish presentations led by Prof E Hujala focused on research, leadership and teacher education in early childhood. The Australian presentation by Prof M Waniganayake enlightened delegates on research perspectives on enacting leadership. The South African panel led by Prof HB Ebrahim focused on research, teaching and arenas of debate in early childhood teacher education. Overall, the symposium echoed the need to further the research agenda in order to develop responsive early childhood practice and teacher education